sábado, 9 de marzo de 2019

The 4+1 View Model

We have three types of diagrams, Structure diagrams, behavior diagrams and interaction diagrams. In Structure diagrams we have Class Diagrams, object diagrams, deployment diagrams. In Behavior ones we have State machines diagrams, use case diagrams. At interaction diagrams we have Communication diagram, Sequence diagrams, timing diagrams.

UML is important because enables knowledge transfer and visual presentation of ideas. The 4+1 View states that there are 4+1 views important for development of software. The vies are the following:

·        Logical View: Object model, states what components will be made and how they will behave.
·        Development View: Organization of assets during the development. Which belongs to what
·        Physical View: How software and hardware are related. What system looks like when finished.
·        Process View: Concurrency and synchronized aspects.
·        Use-Case Views/Scenarios: How system interacts with the world and systems around it.

Essentially, we need to make a view model because it will help the programmers to start the development with an idea. We need to model the requirements to avoid the ignorance and to make a group of programmers agree on how they will develop a project. This will help us to go from the requirements that we get from users and customers to the construction of architecture and components, we have to transfer the pipeline into a view design to organize things and manage environments or support the work of other programmers, basically to understand how the project will be developed. If programmers actually work as the six blind men example, everyone would make the components as they understand and they would never join the components on a good way, the programmers need to know how other programmers are developing other components that also may help them to develop their part of the project

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